Volunteer for DNMM

Disability Network Mid Michigan literacy program volunteers 8 7 23

Disability Awareness Literacy Program

Disability Network Mid-Michigan (DNMM) is collaborating with local groups to promote awareness and education to break stigmas about people with disabilities. Learn more about the Disability Awareness Literacy Program.

DNMM resource tables at the 2023 ADA Celebration Picnic

Americans with Disabilities Act Celebration–Annual Community Outreach Picnic

Each summer we host a free community event to educate our communities about disabilities in conjunction with the anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The location(s) will be within our 12-county service area. The event is designed to share valuable information about disabilities, disability rights, disability resources, and accessible recreation options, and offer an opportunity for community feedback.

Volunteers are needed to:

Set up and/or tents, tables, chairs, signage, and activities
Garbage removal
Carrying items from one location to another
Truck loading and unloading
Assist with activities
Food or drink distribution
, ticket and passport distribution
Directional support for vendors and attendees
General attendee support
ADA Picnic volunteer sign-up form
Board meeting comprised of a diverse team of 5 people, including a man using a wheelchair at the head of the table

Board of Directors

Disability Network Mid-Michigan (DNMM) is actively seeking board members to support our mission of promoting and encouraging independence for all people with disabilities. DNMM is a federally-funded Center for Independent Living. As such, at least 51% of our board and staff must be people with disabilities.

Board members from within our 12-county service area are needed who represent diverse cultures and backgrounds and can contribute needed skills for a functional non-profit board.

Attendance at quarterly meetings and DNMM public events
Fundraising and ‘Friendraising’
Member recruitment
Strategic Planning
Committee assignments