Disability Awareness Literacy Program

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Disability Network Mid-Michigan is collaborating with local groups to promote awareness and education to break stigmas about people with disabilities.​

“Our goal is to start conversations about disabilities with children at a young age. We hope to get students thinking about disability as being a natural part of the human condition, to teach acceptance and inclusion, and to increase thinking about diversity.”

- Kelly PeLong, DNMM Executive Director

Each Child & Classroom Receives:

A book highlighting a disability topic and featuring individuals who have a disability
A packet of activities related to the book
A volunteer to read to your class
Books donated to your school library
Every student gets their own book to keep
Call 989-835-4041 or email the form below to sign up your classroom
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Volunteer Readers Wanted!

We are recruiting volunteer readers and hope that you or someone you know would like to support this exciting learning opportunity.

We will provide an orientation to the program and coordinate all of the details.
We are especially interested in recruiting readers who actually have disabilities or a disability experience

Your Role:

Arrive at the school
Read the assigned book to your scheduled class
And be prepared to answer any questions the students might have
All of the other details will already be coordinated for you
Call 989-835-4041 or email the form below to be a Volunteer Reader.
Young girl sitting on desk reading a book about people with disabilities

Book Feedback

If you have read one of our books please let us know your thoughts by filling out this short book feedback form.

Community partners that have helped make this program possible

Dow Logo
Saginaw ISD logo
Bay Arenac Intermediate School District logo
Disability Network Mid-Michigan logo

We Need Your Help!

If you would like to help with the Disability Awareness Literacy Program by providing funding for one of the counties we operate in, call 989-835-4041 or email.